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Why? Why? Why?

Why not use a new method of creativity during your brainstorming? Publicly designate a participant who will play the role of a candid. S/he will ask all the questions that come to his/her mind on the subject to be dealt with, in order to challenge debates, remove any inconsistencies or approximations, and check the relevance of all ideas in relation to the theme of the session.


Lock your phone to free up your mind!

Work performance would be increased by 26% when the phone is in another room. The quality would also be improved. We assess 4 levels of remoteness: in the pocket; placed on the desk next to the user; locked in a drawer located in the room; and finally locked away in another room. The greater the distance, the greater the concentration: our standby mode goes off since there is no risk of being disturbed. The stronger our concentration is on a subject, the stronger is our overall performance.


Identify your positive attitude moments

75% of our professional success is linked to our optimism, the way we deal with our stress, and our relationships. Researchers in positive psychology and genetics have shown that we have 90% influence on our well-being, throught the way we perceive things. We can voluntarily set up optimistic mechanisms through small actions: each week, identify three moments that have brought joy, pride, satisfaction or appeasement. Start now during your seminar!


And the oscar goes to…

In a meeting, it is important to designate and present several roles: the time-keeper (in charge of respecting schedules), the scribe (for taking notes), the client (who defends the client's point of view - internal or external), the candid (who challenges ideas).


The Campus

Responsible Event Designers

We design and deliver sustainable corporate events that are mindful of the key issues facing the world today.

Our team of experts has the flexibility to meet the evolving needs of our clients, as well as cutting-edge knowledge of collective intelligence methods and CSR.

Our accompaniment is dedicated and made-to-measure.


Always favor diversity of views!

The group is an advantage in decision-making. Collective decisions would be better than individual decisions, in particular because they are based on a plurality of skills and experiences. However, for a collective decision to be of good quality, certain conditions are necessary:
1 Diversity of opinions: Each member is likely to have information that the others do not. Make sure everyone can express his/her opinion.


Walk & Talk!

Walking is the most effective exercise for stimulating intellectual activity and creativity, making your mind more flexible. Walking together makes you more empathetic, allows you to look in the same direction, and creates a common experience. Why not innovate with a Walk & Talk session to deal with a specific topic?

Source : C. Webb et al "Moving on or digging deeper : regulatory mode and interpersonal conflict resolution", 2017


Give it a try!

The 3 activities that most create the feeling of belonging are: creating a piece of work or an object as a team, dancing in a synchronized manner, playing music or singing together. Take advantage of a free moment to improvis a karaoke with your colleagues! 

Source : S. Wiltermuth et al. "Synchrony and cooperation", Psychological Science, 2009; B. Volker, Friendship, Oxford Bibiographies, 2016; B. Tarr "Silent disco, dancing in synchrony, Evolution and Human Behaviour, 2016



Products are available for free, for rent or for sale at the front desk.

Products available for rent:

  • Adaptator
  • Badminton sets Ballons Foot
  • Bicyles and helmets
  • Board games 
  • Petanque balls set
  • Swimming goggles
  • Table Tennis rackets and balls
  • Tennis rackets and balls
  • Umbrellas
  • Snowboots

Products available for sale:
