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Efficiency booster

Science is interested in biological rhythms and their influence on our performance. The study of chronotypes divides individuals according to their daily physiological needs.
Those called "bears", 50% of the population, have a biological rhythm set on office hours.
Those called "lions", 20% of the population, are morning people, less mobilized at the end of the afternoon.
Those called "wolves", 20% of the population, are evening people, difficult to mobilize in the morning.


Drink a drop to be on top!

Dehydration can cause you to lose up to 20% of your cognitive abilities. Drink regularly between meals and be sure to refill your water bottle before the start of your session. Cups available by the water fountains are made of corn starch, as part of our 'ZERO plastic' goal.

At Les Fontaines, the water fountains are connected to the Campus' water system. They are located in the halls of each villa, in the Atrium foyers, in the Forum Bar, in the Ateliers and at the entrance to the Auditorium.


Feel better

After 30 to 40 minutes, walking releases endorphins which contribute to our feeling of well-being, allows us to better situate ourselves in our life and strengthens our self-esteem. This is particularly true in nature, which liberates tension and allows people to step back by observing biodiversity. Select a path based on the free time you have ahead of you and enjoy!

Maps are available at the Front Desk or on this app


What do you expect from your audience?

Adapt the format of your meeting according to what you expect from your audience.
You want your participants to be able to:
- describe and explain your content: a document to read or a presentation will suffice
- argue and apply the concepts presented: an oral presentation with impactful visual aids is the most suitable
- analyze, create and evaluate for themselves: a workshop where they are active (speaking, experiments, writing, role playing ...) is essential.

For each of these formats corresponds an adapted set-up. Think about it!


Save time for yourself!

Feeling good together is also feeling good alone. Spending 15 minutes alone and disconnected from electronic devices considerably reduces the impact of strong  (positive and negative) emotions thus making future communication with the group easier. Save time for yourself ... Go for a walk in the park, for example!

Source: P. P. Baard et Richard M. Ryan, The relation of intrinsic need satisfaction to performance and wellbeing in two work settings, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34, pp2045–2068


Rituals boost memory

To make an event or a meeting memorable, the brain relies on the memory center. We remember rituals: language repetitions, traditional Sunday meals ...
In a meeting, choose a ritual to structure each sequence (gesture, sentence, visual, individual or collective action).

Source : Creative coaching, Marcy Nelson Garrison, MA, LP, CPCC, Justine Bouve. Les rituels scolaires. Education. 2016. ffdumas-01491538


Be on time!

Punctuality is the virtue of kings. In a seminar with a busy agenda, respect schedules and return to the room on time so as not to delay the smooth running of the event.



Nudge is a concept which proposes indirect suggestions as a way to influence behaviors and decision making of groups or individuals.

A number of Nudges have been placed across the Campus to help you be more productive in your working sessions and to benefit from your stay with us.

Try it and enjoy!
